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Komentimi I Endrrave Ne Islam Fjalor Windows 32bit Ultimate Registration Rar


The Islamic religion is the world's third largest practiced religion, with over 1.8 billion Muslims worldwide. Islam covers many aspects of life, aspects that directly or indirectly affect each and every Muslim. The Arabic word for "prayer" is literally translated to mean literally "remembrance" in English. Muslims perform 5 prayers during the day and night in order to remember Allah (God). The first prayer is directed to Allah (God) through His angels. The first part of the first prayer is said first by the Imam leading the prayers, then repeated by the rest of the congregates. The second part ends with specific words that are repeated by everyone. Muslim men are required to pray in mosques, although women are also allowed to pray in mosques if they are on their menstrual cycle or have just given birth. The next prayer is performed mid-day, noon time, and called Asar. After Asar comes Maghrib prayer, performed around sunset time. Then comes Isha or night prayer which occurs after dusk/sunset time and lasts for about 20 minutes longer than Asar prayer. The sixth prayer is performed before midnight, called Isha. Sajda or prostration prayer is the seventh prayer which lasts for about 90 seconds. Praying Salat together is recited by Muslims in order to remember Allah (God). Salat consists of five basic acts: reading the takbir, bowing, prostrating while reciting Surah al-Fatiha, praying while reciting Surahs of the Quran and the prayers of the Prophet, and asking for God's forgiveness after each prayer. The Quran says that if anyone does not pray its Fardh (obligatory) on him and that he will be answerable for it. Quran 113:3, “Recite the name of your Lord Who created. He created man from a clot. Recite, and your Lord is the Most Generous,” Quran 114:1-2, “Praise be to Allah , Who created the heavens and earth, Who made the angels messengers with wings,- two or three or four (pairs). He increases in creation what He pleases. Truly Allah has power over all things,” There are five Fajr prayers during the day which are performed at dawn. During fajr prayers, Muslims recite Quran and bow down to Allah (God). Quran 17:78, “They will ask you about the sacred month, and fighting in it. Say, "Fighting in it is a serious matter; but barring access to the way of Allah and rejecting Him and prohibiting (men) from the Sacred Mosque and turning its people out of it, are more serious in the sight of Allah . And persecution is more serious than killing."” Attending Jumu`ah or Friday prayer congregation at a local mosque is compulsory once a week for every Muslim. This prayer consists of two rakats (cycles) with some portions recited loudly while others recited silently. cfa1e77820

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